Okumura Takahiro's portrait

Okumura Takahiro

Software Engineer since 2013.

SNS / Blog


2013 April - 2018 Dec: GMO Pepabo, Inc.

GMO Pepabo (formerly known as paperboy&co., Inc.) is a web service company. I primarily work on Heteml, 30days Album, Goope, Petit, and ColorMeShop.

Since 2013 Apr, Infrastructure (Web operation) engineer at Heteml group. Since 2015 Jan, Infrastructure engineer at Infrastructure group. Since 2016 Jan, Senior engineer at Infrastructure group. Since 2018 May, Senior engineer at Platform group.


Title Event
SLI/SLO Cookpad Lounge #4 クックパッド SRE座談会
あなたの知らないデータベースのロギングの世界 builderscon tokyo 2018
Dynamic certificate internals with ngx_mruby 名古屋Ruby会議03
動的証明書読み込み ngx_mruby編 GMO Hosting Conference @渋谷
若手インフラエンジニア現状確認会 Private study group (#wakateinfra)
師弟登壇2015 「いるだけで成長できる環境」としての研修の場づくり 師弟登壇2015
30days Albumの裏側〜監視・インフラCI事情〜 Monitoring Casual #7
MySQL 4.0で9年動き続けたサーバを リプレイスしてバージョンアップした話 MySQL Casual Talks vol.7


Title Role
師弟登壇2015 Organizer
若手インフラエンジニア現状確認会 (Private study group) Organizer